DateDistrictBuildingAddressPriceSA$ / sq. ft (SA)GFA$ / sq. ft (GFA)Type
2018-03-22New Territories WestTuen MunParkland VillasFlat/RoomAFloor6Block1Sale: $4.86M384ft²@$12,656.25548ft²@$8,868.61ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestTuen MunOceania HeightsFlat/RoomGFloor22Block2Sale: $2.75M461ft²@$5,965.29617ft²@$4,457.05ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestSham Tseng / So Kwun WatNAPAFlat/RoomCFloor7Block5ASale: $6.55M524ft²@$12,503.82ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestTuen MunMarina GardenFlat/RoomDFloor9Block3Sale: $5.18M490ft²@$10,571.43658ft²@$7,872.34ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestTuen MunHanford GardenFlat/RoomAFloor10Block7Sale: $4.95M443ft²@$11,173.81554ft²@$8,935.02ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestSham Tseng / So Kwun WatThe BloomswayFlat/RoomAFloor15Block9Sale: $24.15M1366ft²@$17,678.62ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestYuen Long / Kam Tin / Hung Shui KiuYick Fai BuildingFlat/RoomBFloor09BlockSale: $4.20M330ft²@$12,727.27385ft²@$10,909.09ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestYuen Long / Kam Tin / Hung Shui KiuTHE SPECTRAFlat/RoomCFloor06Block02Sale: $5.26M337ft²@$15,608.31ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestYuen Long / Kam Tin / Hung Shui KiuRivaFlat/Room1BFloor01Block06Sale: $0628ft²7750000ft²ASP
2018-03-22New Territories WestYuen Long / Kam Tin / Hung Shui KiuPark Villa Phase II - Park HillcrestFlat/RoomB3Floor02Block01Sale: $6.30M489ft²@$12,891.62ASP
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