DateDistrictBuildingAddressPriceSA$ / sq. ft (SA)GFA$ / sq. ft (GFA)Type
2019-01-15New Territories WestTuen MunTuen Mun Town PlazaFlat/RoomDFloor19Block8Sale: $4.93M358ft²@$13,770.95470ft²@$10,489.36ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestTuen MunSiu On CourtFlat/Room1Floor16BlockHSale: $4.18M495ft²@$8,444.44591ft²@$7,072.76ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestSham Tseng / So Kwun WatSeaview GardenFlat/RoomAFloor27Block6Sale: $4.80M590ft²@$8,135.59820ft²@$5,853.66ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestSham Tseng / So Kwun WatPearl Island GardenFlat/RoomBFloorGBlock7Sale: $5.95M708ft²@$8,403.95938ft²@$6,343.28ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestSham Tseng / So Kwun WatLE PONTFlat/RoomFFloor19Block6ASale: $5.30M398ft²@$13,321.61ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestTuen MunHong King GardenFlat/Room6Floor13BlockASale: $3.50M370ft²@$9,459.46462ft²@$7,575.76ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestTuen MunHanford GardenFlat/RoomBFloor26Block2Sale: $5.60M537ft²@$10,428.31662ft²@$8,459.21ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestYuen Long / Kam Tin / Hung Shui KiuSun King Building(Hop Yick Road)Flat/RoomAFloor3BlockSale: $3.55MASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestTin Shui WaiTin Chung CourtFlat/Room6Floor9BlockNSale: $2.55M433ft²@$5,889.15579ft²@$4,404.15ASP
2019-01-15New Territories WestYuen Long / Kam Tin / Hung Shui KiuSOL CITYFlat/RoomGFloor11Block2Sale: $5.38M323ft²@$16,665.63ASP
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