DateDistrictBuildingAddressPriceSA$ / sq. ft (SA)GFA$ / sq. ft (GFA)Type
2018-02-09New Territories EastShatinNew Town Plaza Phase 3Flat/RoomAFloor15Block紅棉閣Sale: $10.50M641ft²@$16,377.54753ft²@$13,941.57ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastMa On ShanMountain ShoreFlat/RoomAFloor29Block02Sale: $7.48M510ft²@$14,666.67670ft²@$11,164.18ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomC08Floor03Block2翼Sale: $4.84M254ft²@$19,055.12ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomC06Floor08Block 2翼Sale: $5.21M252ft²@$20,654.76ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomC07Floor08Block 2翼Sale: $5.22M54ft²@$96,666.67ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomD02Floor03Block1翼Sale: $4.83M254ft²@$19,019.69ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomD08Floor03Block 1翼Sale: $4.90M269ft²@$18,200.74ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomA08Floor05Block1翼Sale: $6.89M389ft²@$17,712.08ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomD06Floor03Block1翼Sale: $4.83M254ft²@$19,019.69ASP
2018-02-09New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelMay Shing CourtFlat/Room23Floor30BlockCSale: $4.69M381ft²@$12,309.71538ft²@$8,717.47ASP
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