DateDistrictBuildingAddressPriceSA$ / sq. ft (SA)GFA$ / sq. ft (GFA)Type
2018-03-26New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomC06Floor11BlockSale: $5.54M252ft²@$21,984.13ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomA02Floor12BlockSale: $9.61M476ft²@$20,182.77ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomA09Floor12BlockSale: $7.43M401ft²@$18,533.67ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelMei Chung CourtFlat/Room2Floor1BlockDSale: $3.90M554ft²@$7,039.71714ft²@$5,462.18ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelMay Shing CourtFlat/Room16Floor27BlockCSale: $4.56M381ft²@$11,968.50538ft²@$8,475.84ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastShatinLucky PlazaFlat/RoomBFloor4BlockSale: $6.30M390ft²@$16,153.85513ft²@$12,280.70ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastMa On ShanKam Tai CourtFlat/Room2Floor30BlockESale: $6.40M649ft²@$9,861.33829ft²@$7,720.14ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastMa On ShanHeng On EstateFlat/Room22Floor25Block3Sale: $3.50M443ft²@$7,900.68570ft²@$6,140.35ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastShatinGreenwood GardenFlat/Room1Floor2BlockCSale: $3.99M330ft²@$12,090.91ASP
2018-03-26New Territories EastShatinGarden RiveraFlat/Room2Floor7BlockESale: $4.80M252ft²@$19,047.62385ft²@$12,467.53ASP
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