DateDistrictBuildingAddressPriceSA$ / sq. ft (SA)GFA$ / sq. ft (GFA)Type
2018-04-25New Territories EastMa On ShanSt BarthsFlat/RoomGFloor9Block1Sale: $953,100392ft²@$2,431.38ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastMa On ShanSt BarthsFlat/RoomFFloor8Block1Sale: $11.73M583ft²ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastShatin18052401100023 Flat/Room35DFloor2BlockSale: $5MASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelShatin HeightsFlat/Room1Floor6BlockHSale: $10M1290ft²@$7,751.94ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastMa On ShanSeanoramaFlat/RoomBFloor7Block3ASale: $26.89M1622ft²@$16,578.91ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastMa On ShanPark BelvedereFlat/RoomFFloor34Block3Sale: $6M475ft²@$12,631.58632ft²@$9,493.67ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastShatinNew Town Plaza Phase 3Flat/RoomHFloor5BlockSale: $10.20M641ft²@$15,912.64753ft²@$13,545.82ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomC10Floor10BlockSale: $6.36M262ft²@$24,255.73ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastTai Wai / Tai Wai Mid LevelThe Met. AcappellaFlat/RoomB01Floor3BlockSale: $8.13M425ft²@$19,122.35ASP
2018-04-25New Territories EastShatinLucky PlazaFlat/RoomGFloor13BlockSale: $6M405ft²@$14,814.81540ft²@$11,111.11ASP
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